The Historical Jesus

Coburg Uniting Church Melbourne, Our Philosophy: Minister Ron Rosinsky making a speech in the hall"In this era of global warming Jesus' authentic message is relevant and urgent."

Each Sunday, Rev. Ron Rosinsky’s Sunday Services are both a call to action on social justice issues and an affirmation of the dignity and divinity of all people. Ours is a spirituality of liberation that challenges accepted viewpoints and helps people cope with the problems of modern life.

Rev. Ron wrote the below to capture the essence of what Coburg Uniting Church stands for:

The Jesus of history was not anti-woman or homophobic. Instead he fought against discrimination and hatred.  He broke injunctions to form a community of support and protest with those who were socially outcast, whose voices were silenced, and with women.

Jesus took action against economic exploitation, political domination, and their religious legitimation. He was a man of the people; the embodiment of Jewish wisdom and the prophetic tradition.

Therefore he became an ‘enemy of the state’.

Jesus used the tools of non-violence such as civil disobedience.


He used these tools to give voice to peasant protest, to people whose hopes and dreams were injured by the ruling class. Jesus called for a reversal of economic and social fortunes.

The teaching and social movement of Jesus of Nazareth, Yeshua, remain unrivalled. He preached absolute equality in a society deeply segregated along class and gender lines. He led people away from their irrational and violent behaviour.  Yet Jesus reminded all people that they were accepted and part of God’s blessing; a blessing intended especially for the oppressed.

In our era of global warming Jesus’ authentic message is relevant and urgent.  His way of being is not destructive toward the earth and others, nor self-serving. Rather it fosters your growing compassion; it's celebratory.

A new and better humanity is still possible when you live from your True Spiritual Self; soul inspired by Spirit. Through spiritual practices, and knowing the Spirit and teaching of Jesus, you invoke within yourself an energy that nurtures and heals, is eternal and saving.

"Our lives begin to end the day we remain silent about the things that matter."

Martin Luther King Jr.