Our Theology

Coburg Uniting Church Melbourne, Our Philosophy: Minister Ron Rosinsky making a speech in the hall

"Whenever we undertake an authentic journey of the soul, we inevitably experience success and failure, and we learn and grow from both."

-Joseph Campbell

“Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”
Romans 12:2

What is the Heroic Journey?

Coburg Uniting Church's theology is informed by a bunch of non-conformists:  Feminist Rosemary Reuther and Paul Tillich, Matthew Fox and civil rights mystic Howard Thurman; Joseph Campbell and his concept of 'The Hero’s Journey'.

Life is a quest, and the privilege of a lifetime is being who you really are. A life of meaning involves developing your maturity; being an authentic person, living from your soul inspired by Spirit.

This is the Heroic Journey. Let us be companions on your quest: to live with intention and joy from your True Self.

"When you follow your bliss, you feel the refreshment of being alive."

Joseph Campbell

Spirituality for mental health and wellbeing:  four foundational life searches

"A strong wind cannot overcome a tree with deep roots."

Native American proverb

With strong roots a person thrives. These roots are the four foundational life searches- a stronger sense of:






Everyone whether they know it or not are trying to fulfil these life searches (Kennon Callahan). Fulfilment of these searches is central to mental health and spiritual wellbeing; to living from the Spirit.

Coburg Uniting Church's groups and programs help the person in their spiritual quest - a quest where their soul might find its home, and they know they are accepted unconditionally by a Power greater than themselves.

The invaluable spiritual practices of the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous and other like-minded groups also feature strongly in the preaching, beliefs and small group life at Coburg Uniting.

We help a person discover the Eternal Spirit within, and we are devoted to healing the earth and the moral evolution of humanity.

Soul, come forth! Create justice; awaken others from an inauthentic life.


Belonging and Spiritual Formation Groups

The Heroic Spiritual Quest

When people and institutions become machine-like, operating without compassion, the hero awakens.  Rather than compulsively serving any imposed system or dogma, they listen to their soul inspired by Spirit.  We see in the Jesus of history and faith an unbroken and full connection with Spirit; he therefore mediates that same power and grace to us- union with God's Eternal Life.

In that power we discover new ways of being, a potential for self realisation and awareness that we have not yet included in our self-concept.  Jesus spoke of these possibilities when he said, “I have come that you might have life in all of its fullness.”

To spark and sustain these spiritual breakthroughs we encourage every person to develop a spiritual practice that works for them.

The heroic person, sustained by their spiritual development, lives a life of continual self-discovery, and acts with modesty and compassion to serve others. In doing so they embody a God of blessing.

God’s gifts of unconditional love and wisdom, freedom and the good earth were intended not just for the religious or the ruling class but for all people, especially the disinherited.

The Tree of Life

Coburg Uniting Church like the Tree of Life provides sanctuary; a climate that fosters Christian spiritual growth, a greenhouse for the soul that calls forth one's higher self.

We encourage deeper conversations and relationships, mindfulness, and resilience; a stronger sense of self and belonging, meaning, and hope.

And within your soul you discover the Life of Spirit- abundant and eternal.


"In the middle of the garden God placed the tree of life."

Gen. 2:9

“Happy are those who find wisdom … she is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her.

Proverbs 3: 13,18

"Lay aside immaturity and live, and walk in the way of insight."

Proverbs 9:6



Your life is much broader and deeper than you conceive it to be here and now.