Our Beliefs


Coburg Uniting Church supports inclusion. We stand by our LGBTQIA+ siblings, support marriage equality and encourage other Christian churches to do the same.

We are a multicultural church. We treat people equally and support people experiencing homelessness and poverty, as well as people with a range of abilities and disabilities.

We are activists. This means we follow people who were 'creatively maladjusted': Jesus of Nazareth. Dorothy Day. Martin Luther King Jr.

We celebrate and live in harmony with Mother Earth and the good Spirit that is in all creation. We protect the divinity and dignity of all people. We are all accepted as original blessings - not original sinners!

"Do not be conformed" is our motto, and each one of us is on the Hero's Journey. We believe it is the Church's role to walk beside people as they make this journey.

Coburg Uniting Church Melbourne Our Beliefs image: church altar in the background, green plant in the foreground

"At Coburg Uniting Church, we proudly build upon our Christian heritage. We want all people to know that:

They are loved.

They belong in the family of all people.

They are needed.

They have a unique, creative contribution to make to the world.

We will use all our resources to manifest this knowing in the world."

Andrew Horwood

Coburg Uniting Church Mission Statement

The following Howard Thurman quotes are currently under consideration for inclusion into Coburg Uniting Church's new Mission Statement:

"The movement of the Spirit of God in the hearts of men and women often calls them to act against the spirit of their times or causes them to anticipate a spirit which is yet in the making. In a moment of dedication, they are given wisdom and courage to dare a deed that challenges and to kindle a hope that inspires."

"To help people live deliberately from their true spiritual self, to follow their bliss and become the person they were intended to be; to help them grow into a stronger sense of self and belonging, meaning and hope; into 'the same mind that was in Christ'."

"We will create social inclusion through food, music, compassion, and embodying a Spirit of blessing; a God who comes to bless."