August 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to August. One more month of winter.

This newsletter is also available on the Coburg Uniting website and Facebook page.

Coburg Uniting Church Melbourne: Tree with visible roots and sun shining through branches and leaves on the Our Philosophy page


Minister’s Message

You increased my strength of soul.”

– Psalm 138.3


May Coburg Uniting be that place of sanctuary and belonging, of meaning and hope where you increase your strength of soul. God gave you a soul. Time to explore it and grow into it.

True religion and spirituality lead you to an experience of your True Self and undermine your false self. It helps you discover the right questions rather than having all the right answers.




Rev. Ron Rosinsky





From July’s Sunday morning topics and services


Humility comes from the word humus or earth. It means simple, earthy living and passion. To be humble means not overconsuming, and letting go of exercising power over others. That’s the baggage of egocentricity.

The concept of humility has been misconceived and weaponized by the fall/redemption Christian tradition. Proponents of that tradition claim it means to be ‘in a spirit of deference or submission’, or ‘ranking low in a hierarchy or scale’ – insignificant.

But in the creation-centred and mystical traditions of Christianity, to be humble means to be in touch with the earth, in touch with your own earthiness and celebrating it. This includes celebrating your sensuality and passion. To bottle up these earthy energies is to bottle up deep and divine energies. Embody your eros: sensuality and passion. Harness them so they flow in the right direction. Celebrate your earthiness and humility, and save the world.


Holy persons draw to themselves all that is earthly…

The earth is at the same time mother…

Mother of all that is natural,

Mother of all that is human

– Hildegarde of Bingen


August worship topic


August Topic:

Be counter-cultural: develop an inner yardstick for fulfilment.


Featuring the work of Joseph Campbell: The Power of Myth

  • First Sunday 7 August: Celebration of Communion, featuring music by Josh Cake
  • Second Sunday 14 August: Ruth Sandy and the Coburg Singers
  • Third Sunday 21 August: Featuring music by Keith Hoffmann
  • Fourth Sunday 28 August: Featuring music by Josh Cake and the Coburg band


Special Services

  • Sunday 7 August: Commemorating Hiroshima Day (6 August)
  • Sunday 14 August: Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (9 August)

Special Events

  • Celebrating International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on Sunday 14 August


Spiritual Growth Programs

August Topic for Men’s Group and Soul Group: “Making peace with the first half of your life”, Chapter 3 from Falling Upward: A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Roh

  • Men’s Group: Saturday 6 August, 6-9pm at church
  • Soul Group: Sunday 7 August, 11:45am-1pm
  • Meditation, prayer, and spiritual practices exploration group: commencing on Sunday 21 August, 11.45am-12.30pm


Belonging Programs

  • Social Board Games Night: Thursday 11 August and Thursday 25 August (2nd and 4th Thursdays), 7:30-10pm in the front room at church
  • Fourth Sunday shared lunch: Sunday 28 August, 11:45am-1pm, in the church hall.
  • Coffee Chat and Play: Playgroup every Friday 10:30am-12pm during school term
  • Coburg Common: located behind Coburg Uniting Church. Come and garden, or buy a plant, or have a chat


September worship topic

The heroic journey: living authentically and creating healthy relationships.

Coburg Uniting Church
Fighting against sexism and homophobia. Fighting for the planet.
We live and worship on the lands of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We pay our respects to their elders past and present. Sovereignty was never ceded. This always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

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