About us

About Us

Coburg Uniting Church is a branch of the Uniting Church in Australia. We are a unique Christian community that comes together in a spirit of compassion and spirituality, social activism and love of the Earth.

Like the Jesus of history, we celebrate diversity, affirm equality and believe that all people are accepted and loved. We believe in the love of self and enemy, celebrating Mother Earth, and liberation for all!

The Uniting Church was founded in 1977, and is a combination of the Congregational, Presbyterian and Methodist churches.

Learn more about Coburg Uniting Church’s community groups.

Meet Our Team Coburg Uniting Church Melbourne Community Groups Coffee Chat n Play image: people sitting around a table in the hall engaged in activities

Community Groups

We do better in life when we are self-reflective and supported by others: friendship gives us what we need to do more in the world than we can do alone.

LEARN MORE Coburg Uniting Church Melbourne Sunday Services: Marc, Peter and their wedding guests in a group photo

Special Occasions

Coburg Uniting Church holds weddings, funerals and baptisms throughout the year. We support marriage equality and encourage other churches to do the same.


